Note before reading this article:
In a product update on 3/14/2023,
Projects were renamed to Opportunities
Campaigns were renamed to Initiatives.
Virtuous Volunteer v6.7 Summary
Release Date: 12/14/2022
New Hub Branding Dashboard
Virtuous CRM Integration Updates
Small Batch Items & Bug Fixes
New Hub Branding Dashboard
A New Org Setting has been created that allows Admin users who have the Platform Package and above to create their own Branded Hub Experience.
When an organization has the Platform Package enabled in the Staff Roles and Permissions Dashboard a new menu item called “Branding Settings” will be enabled in the account so that Admins can control the branding that shows up on the pages in their org’s volunteer experience (Hub, Campaign, Project, Giving Pages, etc).
The new feature includes two tabs (Details and Preview).
The Details tab includes a form where the user will be able to:
- set a custom subdomain for their Hub and Admin Dashboard
- choose primary and secondary colors
- Note that we have a confirmation checkmark for the user to make sure that the color selected has good contrast as it will be the color of buttons that have white text overlaid
- edit/create copy to be added to Invite and Welcome Emails
- update Hub logo and Email banner image
- set Hub footer links
The Preview tab has a live preview of what their Hub will look like as they complete the Form.
Screenshot of a sample branded email once an email banner is uploaded:
Note that in order to Publish their new Branding settings, the user will be prompted to type in PUBLISH to confirm the following:
- Your account will be hosted at the selected subdomain. Any existing links to your Hub that you might have on the web will break once this is published.
- Your Hub, and any Campaign or Project pages, will get a new header and footer based on what was visible in the Branding Experience Preview.
- Any new Invitation and Welcome emails will be updated with the Email Banner and selected copy.
- You will not be able to change your subdomain once it is created. A support ticket will have to be opened to update your subdomain once it is published.
Virtuous CRM Integration Updates
These updates to the VV-CRM Integration are largely influenced by user feedback, especially when it comes to better using the CRM Query and Import Tools to work with volunteer data. The following changes are included with this release:
- ReferenceSource of ‘virtuousvolunteer’ added to all users synced from VV to CRM
- When a user is synced from VV to CRM, the ‘virtuousvolunteer’ value will be added to the ReferenceSource for the contact. This will allow for queries to be built where ReferenceSource=virtuousvolunteer and used for better volunteer workflows. For example, a workflow could be used with this query to add a tag to the contact so that all contacts who have been in VV will be able to tagged and worked with effectively in the CRM.
- When Virtuous Integration is enabled and the customer is using Virtuous Payments, transactions will sync to the CRM Import tool with Project designations.
Once the default CRM Project is selected, any transactions that go through a Giving Form will have this project designation unless the Giving Form itself is connected to a different CRM Project. More below.
- The modal dropdown is populated with Projects in the orgs CRM account. We populate this list via the API. Screenshot below.
- Once the application knows that both Giving is enabled with Virtuous Payments and the CRM integration is connected via Oath, a modal to choose the default CRM Project Name will present itself on both the Giving Dashboard and the Virtuous CRM Integration homepage.
- VV Giving Users will be able to connect Giving Forms to specific CRM Projects when creating or editing a Giving Form. This allows the user to create a specific Giving Form for a specific CRM Project so that when the Giving Form is attached to a VV Project users can have confidence that the gift will be designated correctly when it gets to the CRM Gift & Contact Import Tool.
- Once the transaction makes it to the CRM Gift & Contact Import Tool, it will already be designated to the corresponding CRM Project. Note that we also handle the Donor Pays Cost Project when users choose to cover the cost of the donation on the VV Giving Form.
Small Batch Items & Bug Fixes
- Bug fix on Sterling Volunteer Integration where manually cleared background checks were being overridden when volunteers join projects where background checks are automated.
- Updates to the Background Check modal to show more data fields for Sterling Volunteer checks, including sent date, last updated date, order id.
- Bug fix to Form CSV export 500 errors that some Admin users experienced.
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