Definitions of what data fields are synced to Salesforce via the integration, including what fields you can map.
User Data
When you enable syncing of data back to Salesforce from VOMO (by clicking Enable Custom Syncing on the Export Data/Syncing tab), there are default values (values that you have not specially mapped with the mapping tool) that are exported back to Salesforce are as follows, as well as options to map and send additional user data:
- Default User Data that is synced from VOMO to Salesforce:
- VOMO User First Name = SF Contact First Name
- VOMO User Last Name = SF Contact Last Name
- VOMO User Email Address = SF Contact Email Address (this is the unique identifier for a VOMO user)
- Options in the Mapping Tool include:
- VOMO User Gender = SF Contact Gender
- VOMO User Birthday = SF Contact Birthday
Note that you can change the default value syncing using the mapping tool to send the VOMO value to a different contact field in SF.
Volunteer Opportunity/Serving Date Data
Our Salesforce integration offers you the ability to create Volunteer Opportunity/Serving Date records into Salesforce if you have added the Volunteers for Salesforce App in the Salesforce App Launcher. When you enable the V4S Integration in the Export Data/Syncing tab in the VOMO-Salesforce Integration, the following records will begin to be synced back to Salesforce every 15 minutes. Note that Volunteer Participation Data (see section below) only sends once the VOMO Serving Date is complete (ends).
- A new Salesforce Campaign will be created by each VOMO Opportunity that completes (meaning that one of the Opportunity's Serving Date ends).
- VOMO Opportunity = Salesforce Campaign (Default). Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Campaign:
- VOMO Opportunity Name = SF Campaign Name
- VOMO Opportunity Description = SF Campaign Description
- VOMO Opportunity = Salesforce Campaign (Default). Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Campaign:
- Within the newly created Salesforce Campaign a Salesforce Volunteer Job will be created for each Serving Date that completes (ends).
- VOMO Volunteer Role/Item = Salesforce Volunteer Job. Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Volunteer Job:
- VOMO Serving Date Role/Item Name = SF VolunteerJob Name
- If you have multiple Roles/Items on 1 Serving Date, a different Volunteer Job will be created for each Role/Item.
- VOMO Opportunity Address = SF Volunteer Job Address
- VOMO Serving Role/Item Description = SF Volunteer Job Description
- VOMO Serving Date Role/Item Type (either "Role" or "Item") = SF Volunteer Skills Needed Field
- VOMO Serving Date Role/Item Name = SF VolunteerJob Name
- VOMO Volunteer Role/Item = Salesforce Volunteer Job. Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Volunteer Job:
- Within each SF Volunteer Job a Volunteer Shift will be created that will hold the specific data in SF that is synced from VOMO.
- Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Volunteer Shift:
- VOMO Serving Date Start Time = SF Volunteer Shift Start Time
- VOMO Serving Date Duration (number of hours) = SF Volunteer Shift Duration
- VOMO Serving Date Role or Item Capacity = SF Volunteer Shift Capacity
- Data Synced from VOMO to create SF Volunteer Shift:
Volunteer Participation Data
Once a Participation in VOMO completes (meaning that a Serving Date ends with a volunteer signed up for it), the Integration sends the following data to be stored in Salesforce on behalf of the VOMO User/Salesforce Contact:
- API sends SF Contact ID to know which contact to add participation data
- API sends SF Job ID to know which Job to add participation data
- API sends SF Shift ID to know which Shift to add participation data
- VOMO Serving Date Start Date = SF Volunteer Shift Start Date
- VOMO Serving Date End Date = SF Volunteer Shift End Date
- VOMO Serving Date Volunteer Hours (VOMO defaults this to Serving Date End Date - Start Date, however if the Volunteers Hours are updated separately in the VOMO Admin Dashboard the number of hours would be updated) = SF Volunteer Shift Hours Worked
- Number of VOMO Volunteers on Serving Date/Item Quantity = SF Volunteer Shift Number of Volunteers
- Serving Date Start Date = Shift Planned Start Date
- API sets SF Shift Status = "Confirmed" if volunteer participation is Verified in VOMO, or "Cancelled" if volunteer participation is Volunteer Left/Organizer Rejected or Declined in VOMO, or "Prospect" if volunteer participation is Pending/Organizer Assigned/Pending Guests/Pending Background Check in VOMO.
For more documentation on the V4S tool please click here:
For reference, the Campaign-Volunteer Job-Volunteer Shift that exists in V4S is pasted below from the V4S Documentation:
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