Whether you integrate with Checkr or Sterling, or manually update a volunteer's background check status, there are some terms you need to know. Below are the different background check statuses in VOMO and what they mean. Go to People in your Admin Dashboard and find the column to the right of their name labeled Background.
Sterling Volunteers
Engaged - You have reviewed the information that was marked Consider in the follow up report and proceeded to move forward with the candidate. You have accepted the completed report even though there was items they wanted you to consider.
Consider - The report is complete and contains some sort of adverse information to evaluate (criminal records, traffic infractions, or other information). Consider may also be used to indicate that a Motor Vehicle Report contains violations that do not meet your Motor Vehicle Report criteria, or the Employment and/or Education verifications were not an exact match.
Pending - VOMO is waiting for Checkr to either a) complete the background check or b) the volunteer has not submitted their background check form to Checkr yet.
Cleared - The volunteer's background check has been processed by Checkr and nothing was flagged that an Admin needs to Consider nor are they Suspended. The volunteer is Cleared to serve.
Suspended - The volunteer is NOT ready to serve after completing a Checkr background check or an admin in VOMO has suspended them through the manual background check option.
Expired - The volunteer's background check has expired based on the date issued and the default background check date period specified in the Org Settings.
Sterling Volunteers
Pending - The background check order has been submitted for processing and VOMO is waiting for Sterling to send back the status of the background check.
Clear -The background check order has been processed, validated, and completed and there is no reportable data returned to be reviewed. The volunteer is Clear to serve.
Consider - The background check order has been processed, validated, and completed and there is reportable data that needs to be reviewed in Sterling regarding this volunteer's background check before they can be Clear to serve.
Ineligible -The background check report has been reviewed by an Admin and the individual does not meet the criminal history requirements to volunteer with your organization.
Expired - The volunteer's background check has expired based on the date issued and the default background check date period specified in the Org Settings.
Manual (without Checkr or Sterling)
Cleared - The volunteer is ready to serve after completing background check and an admin in VOMO has cleared them through the manual background check option.
Suspended -The volunteer is NOT ready to serve after completing a background check and an admin in VOMO has suspended them through the manual background check option.
Expired - The volunteer's background check has expired based on the date issued and the default background check date period specified in the Org Settings.
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