You've Got Documents!
Forms are great for collecting information from your volunteers, sure. But just like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks (no, not in the Seattle movie, the OTHER Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan romantic comedy), or Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, and their magic mailbox, or, heck, even passing notes with your friends in class, sometimes you need to share something more tangible. You might need volunteers to upload a waiver or other document, or maybe share a picture. Whatever it is you want to collect, now you'll be able to to with the new Document Upload field for forms.
When creating a new field, either from the Admin Dashboard or in the form builder, you'll see a new field type option for Document Upload.
To create a new field, you'll need a name and a brief description. You'll also see a handy little checkbox that allows your new field to show on a User Profile. (We'll get to that, but seems prudent to mention it now.)
Once your new field is created, you can include it in any Opportunity, Registration, or Giving form. (Document Uploads are not supported for Kiosk Forms.)
And volunteers will see the new Document Upload field when completing a form.
It's worth noting that each Document Upload field supports only one uploaded document. If a volunteer completes a form that includes a Document Upload field for which they have already submitted a file, the document name will display with a trash can icon so they can choose to delete their previous submission and upload a new document instead.
Admins will be able to easily view and download documents from form submissions, because it just didn't seem right to hide them. (A scavenger hunt, maybe, but even that could get tedious...)
And hey, remember earlier when we mentioned that Document Upload fields could be added to User Profiles? Well, they totally can! And you'll see a link to view or download documents from the profile view, easy-peasy.
Intrigued by the possibilities? We're sure you are! You can learn more about the various fields that can be added to forms in this handy article, and then go ahead and try it out for yourself!
Signed, Sealed, Expired, Oh No!
Background checks are a lot like milk: a required staple for some, and something others may skip entirely. And both milk and background checks expire. (Background checks, however, cannot be used in baking, in coffee, or to liven up a bowl of breakfast cereal, so there are limits to this analogy.) And like milk, it's important to know WHEN background checks expire. Just like a fancy-schmancy smart fridge that can tell you when your milk is expired, now VOMO Admins will also receive notifications when background checks have expired.
Each morning, all Admin Users within your organization will receive an email with a list of all volunteers whose background checks have expired within the last 24 hours. (If none have expired, we won;t send an email, because we want to take pity on your inbox.) The email notification will list each volunteer by name and include a link to quickly view all of the expired background checks on the Admin Dashboard.
Clicking the link will filter your people page so that you can quickly see just those people with expired background checks and easily reissue new checks.
New to using background checks? Curious to learn more? Well, you can check out our collection of articles on this topic elsewhere in our support center. Or, just click this link to see them, that seems a heck of a lot easier.
...And the Rest
As with every release, this latest update also includes a number of other fixes, tweaks, minor modifications, and assorted nudges. Among this month's assorted fixes:
- We refactored the way that the Guest selection dropdown works to support organizations who have a lot of members. This new functionality will help with load times of the Guest Reconciliation feature. No word yet on whether this will help with the dishes, though.
- In a previous release, we changed the names of some areas of VOMO, and wouldn't you know it, these name changes caused some issues with QR codes. We have apologized to QR codes everywhere and worked things out, so all QR codes should work just fine from now on, regardless of when they were created in VOMO.
- Users trying out our new social sign-in feature reported some minor bugs with the process, which we have squashed. Lady bugs in your garden may be a good thing, but bugs affecting user logins are not so much.
- When creating a new account, some users may have experienced issues when selecting their address. We have added some clearer messaging to ensure that addresses are selected properly during signup from now on. It just seemed the right thing to do.
And that's the list! Phew! As always, if you have any questions about these or other features, feel free to contact our support team.
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