Note before reading this article:
In a product update on 3/14/2023,
Projects were renamed to Opportunities
Campaigns were renamed to Initiatives.
Group Dashboard
You might remember that we did update the Group Dashboard with CSV export functionality, but we added in one more report and laid it out a little cleaner in this release. The CSV Export will still pull the Group Participations over the date range, so no change there.
Campaign Dashboard update
The Admin Campaign Dashboard got an update with the exact treatment of the Group Dashboard, except that the data is all filtered by the relationship of the Project to the Campaign. Now an Admin User can look at a Campaign and filter the date range to see how the Projects tagged to that Campaign did over the date range. And they can export a CSV of those participations with one click!
VOMO Cause Tagging
As you all are aware, we have been slowly renaming our categorization on VOMO away from Categories to "Causes". This change seems subtle but it is a big step in helping our users understand what we are trying to do as far as helping volunteers easily find Orgs and Projects that they care about.
As of today you can tag the following to a VOMO Cause: the Organization, Projects, Campaigns, Groups, and Users. On the Admin Dashboard you will see a similar tagging structure to what existed on Orgs and Projects on Campaigns and Groups. On the User side of the platform, you will see that Users can now add Interests in the form of Causes.
On Admin Campaign Create/Edit, you will now see the option to Join Causes to the Campaign.
The User Campaign Page will now have the tagged Causes on the page to show Users that the Campaign is tagged to a VOMO Cause.
When a user visits our Explore Page ( they will be prompted to fill out their Interests in the form of adding at least 3 Causes to their Profile. These Causes will be saved to the User Settings/Profile Page
Make sure to let people know about this and teach them how to use it. The more people that engage with it means that the Search Experience updates will be even better. We need Admins to tag everything to help build the experience for all users.
Updated CSV Import Experience
We had some feedback that if you uploaded a very large CSV list of users that sometimes the page timed out and left the user wondering if the import worked. We heard you and have made some improvements. You will notice when you import a CSV list that we will tell you that we are working on it and will email it to you when it has finished. See screenshots below:
Here is a preview of what the email will look like.
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