We've included some great options for you to make sure your volunteers follow your process and get all of the information they need to volunteer. The Advanced Options of an opportunity can be seen by clicking the "Show Advanced Options" link when you create or edit an opportunity. Each one of these is optional, but there are a few defaults to be aware of. See the screenshot below, followed by an explanation.
- Check-In: Settings that control the Check-In Kiosk experience for this opportunity. For this opportunity to appear on the Kiosk for volunteers to check in and out, a station will need to be tagged here. Learn more about setting up a kiosk station. You can also adjust the number of hours before the opportunity begins for volunteers to check in and decide whether new volunteers can register when they show up. Lastly, allow or deny volunteers the ability to change their role on the kiosk when they check-in.
- Opportunity Owner(s): This is an Admin or Organizer in your VOMO org assigned to the opportunity to receive notifications, management of the event, etc. If you assign an Organizer they will have access to manage/assign volunteers even if they did not create the opportunity themselves. You will specify them as the "Primary Owner" and then add secondary owners to also receive notifications as well.
- Point Person: This can be anyone who you want to put in as the contact person who your volunteers can call/email with questions. This is a great field for when you need to say contact Joel on the morning of your opportunity if you have any questions. This information is included in the confirmation email when the volunteer joins the opportunity.
- Privacy: You have 3 options. All opportunity default to Private (for members of your Org only)
- Public - Anyone on VOMO can see the opportunity in their Volunteer Hub or on their VOMO App. This is great if you don't mind getting people from outside of your VOMO org to join your opportunity.
- Private - Only members of your organization (People in your People list), can find this opportunity on their Volunteer Hub or their VOMO App.
- Unlisted - Using this field makes your opportunity unlisted from any Volunteer Hub or VOMO App, but like any opportunity, you can share it with the direct URL that accompanies every VOMO Opportunity. Anyone with the direct URL will be able to access Unlisted opportunities.
- Participant Approval: Checking this box means that Volunteers will Request to Join one of your Serving Dates. The Opportunity Owner will get an email with the request and can respond appropriately to make sure the right people are on the opportunity. You can also respond to requests on the Requests Dashboard of the Admin Homepage or the Admin Opportunity Page.
- Certification(s): By selecting from your created certifications, volunteers will be required to have a completed green badge for the selected certification in order to join your opportunity. Learn more about creating Certifications here.
- Background Check Required: Checking this box means that Volunteers are required to have a background check status on file in order to participate. If a volunteer already has a
status on file, they will be automatically approved to join. If a volunteer does not have a
status or their status says, they will receive an automated background check if that feature has been activated in your Org Settings. The Opportunity Owner will get an email when someone requests to join the Opportunity, and the email will have the status of the background check listed in the email to let the Opportunity Owner know if the volunteer is cleared already, or will need to go through adding a Background Check to their profile. - Require volunteer hours verification?: Checking this box means that ALL volunteer hours served in this opportunity require the opportunity owner's verification after the time slot(s) is completed. To verify the hours, go to the "manage" page on the opportunity's dashboard in your Administration portal. Learn more about controlling default settings for this option in your Org Settings here.
- Registration Cutoff Time: Setting a Registration Cutoff Time will close registration for your upcoming Serving Dates at a designated day and time of your choosing. The default Registration Cutoff Time for all Opportunities can be set in Org Settings. Learn more about the Registration Cutoff feature here.
- Guests: Simply let your Volunteers know if it is appropriate or not for them to signup guests when they register themselves on a VOMO opportunity. If a Volunteer brings a Guest, you will see that user as a guest of the Volunteer on the registration.
- Minimum Age: Let your Volunteers know the minimum age required to volunteer on your opportunities. This can be any number between 0 and 99.
- Need to Know/Next Steps: This text field can hold important information for your volunteers. Many Admins/Organizers use this field to detail specific next steps of the opportunity like "Volunteer must wear closed-toed shoes". Use this field for more important info than the description because this information is included in the confirmation email when the volunteer joins the opportunity.
- Opportunity Form: This input lets you add a custom Opportunity Form to the registration process so that when people signup for an opportunity they are required to complete the before registering. These forms are great for collecting additional information and signing waivers. Learn more about Forms here.
- Giving Form: (requires Virtuous Payments) Add a custom Giving Form to collect monetary donations through the opportunities. Adding a Giving Form will also add a "Fund this Opportunity" button to your Opportunity sign-up page. Learn more here. You can also set a target amount, or goal, you want to raise for this Opportunity. A new progress bar will appear on the Opportunity's dashboard.
- Attachments: Upload up to 4 documents that volunteers can download (.PDF, DOC, RTF, or . PNG file types). Attachments and Links will appear on the Opportunity sign-up page as well as in follow-up confirmation and reminder emails to volunteers.
- Links: Post a link to a web address outside of VOMO and add a title to explain what the site is.
- Opportunity Sponsor: If this Opportunity is sponsored by a corporate group or another organization, consider adding them as a sponsor including their name, image, and website. A thumbnail of their image will appear on the Opportunity page.
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