For easy access to your Hub, any active Opportunity, or your Invitation Link, you might want to use a QR Code (which allows you to use the camera app on smartphones). So, we've built and launched a QR Code builder for your VOMO account! You can build and download a QR Code with these steps.
Let's dive in!
Locate QR Codes Tool
Build a QR Code
Download a QR Code
Locate QR Codes Tool
Following these steps to locate the QR Code Tool:
- Open the Admin Dashboard
- Find Tools on the left side navigation menu and then click on QR Codes in the dropdown menu
- A dashboard should appear with a settings and a QR code viewer on the right
Build a QR Code
Now that you've located the builder, you will need to decide what page are you wanting to build a QR Code for. You have 3 options:
- Organization Hub
- Opportunities
- Invitation Link
- Giving Page
Select the radio button next to the page you want to generate a QR Code for. You will then see the link for that page appear right above it.
No matter which page you select, the QR Code viewer on the right will change based on the page you selected. When you select Opportunities, a dropdown menu of your Active Opportunities will appear. Select which Oppotunity you want to generate a QR Code for.
Additional settings you can adjust are:
- Size: the default image size for the QR Code is 400 x 400 but you can increase and decrease that resolution from 100 x 100 up to 800 x 800.
- Dot Size: you can increase and decrease the size of the dots that make up the visual QR Code itself.
- Border Color: choose the color of the border that will surround the outside boundaries of the QR Code.
- Barcode Color: choose the color of the QR Code itself. *Remember that some bright colors like yellow or red might not get picked up by a QR code scanner.
Download a QR Code
After following the steps in the previous section to build a QR Code, you can now download the image of the barcode. Simply select the Download QR Code button above the viewer. You can also right-click on the QR Code image on the page and select Save Image As... Both options will download the image of the QR Code to your computer or device.
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