In order to connecting VOMO to your website or app, we suggest using either hyperlinks (web) or Universal Link (app):
- Hyperlinks are an easy and efficient way to link your volunteers to where you want them to go on your website. Whether it's your Hub, a Initiative, or a specific Opportunity, the URL addresses for these pages on your VOMO account can be hyperlinked to a button or any text on your website. Consult your website administrator in your organization to hyperlink your VOMO pages from your website. Here are some examples for using this feature:
- Copy and paste the URL address for your Volunteer Hub or Invitation Link as a hyperlink on a button on your website or in a monthly/weekly newsletter.
- Send out social media posts that include a link to specific Opportunities you are promoting.
- Redirects are a little more advanced but your website admin will easily be able to accomplish this. A redirect simply means that when a volunteer goes to a website you own, if set up correctly, it will redirect them to your main Hub page (or another page in your VOMO Hub). You will need to consult your website admin as there is not a way to accomplish this from within your VOMO settings. VOMO does NOT support domain "masking" or the ability to embed a page onto your website. Only redirects, hyperlinks, and the Initiative Map Embed tool are supported.
- Universal Links are the best way to embed a link to your VOMO App through your organization's iOS and Android app (your "Church App" for example). If your organization has its own app, add your VOMO Universal Link to a button or text on your app and users will be directed to your Volunteer Hub on the VOMO App that is installed on their device. If they have not downloaded the VOMO app yet, the appropriate app store for their device will open so that they can download it and login.
- Locate your Universal Link following this method:
- "CUSTOM-URL-ENDING" is located in your Org Settings in your Administration Dashboard.
- Locate your Universal Link following this method:
- Add your Universal Link into your app as a link or button so that people are redirected to your VOMO app on their device.
Note that if you are looking to explore one of the VOMO Embed tools, you can read more about our Initiative Map Embed here.
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