We make it easy for you to access multiple types of data in our Analytics Admin tool so that you can see your impact clearly. The types of data you can access and report/export on in the VOMO Admin Dashboard include:
Opportunity Dashboards
Initiative Dashboards
Group Dashboards
Forms (Dashboards and Fields)
Giving Dashboard
Analytics (Organization and Volunteers)
Opportunity Dashboards
On each Opportunity Dashboard you can export multiple CSV files with volunteer data depending on what you are looking for.
- Individual Serving Dates: Simply click the little blue icon with 3 dots next to the Serving Date and Time in the row of serving dates to export Opportunity Date for an individual serving date.
- All Serving Dates: Just below the list of individual serving dates, you will see a green button with an Export ALL Dates (CSV). Use this export button to gather any past, present, and future serving dates with their connected volunteer data.
- Export All Dates in Range: If you have adjusted the range of dates that you are looking at using the date picker at the top of the list of Serving Dates, you can just export all volunteer data in the range that is showing. Use this if you just want a specific range and not all Serving Dates.
Initiative Dashboards
On each Initiative Dashboard you can export a CSV file with volunteer and Opportunity data.
Export All Dates in Range: If you have adjusted the range of dates that you are looking at using the date picker at the top of the list of Serving Dates, you can just export all volunteer data in the range that is showing. Use this if you just want a specific range and not all Serving Dates.
Group Dashboards
On each Group Dashboard you can export a CSV file with volunteer and Opportunity data.
Export All Dates in Range: If you have adjusted the range of dates that you are looking at using the date picker at the top of the list of Serving Dates, you can just export all volunteer data in the range that is showing. Use this if you just want a specific range and not all Serving Dates.
Form Dashboards
On each Form Dashboard you can export a CSV files with the volunteer responses to that form for all Opportunities the form is attached to. (Open your Admin Dashboard, click on "Forms" in the left navigation menu, and click on the form you want to export data from).
Form Fields
Each field in a form can be exported to a CSV file with the volunteer responses to that specific field on any form that field has been added to. (Open your Admin Dashboard, click on "Forms" and then "Fields" in the left navigation menu, and then you will see the "export" button below each field in the list.)
Giving Dashboard
Clicking on the Giving menu item will open up your Giving Dashboard to view all of the monetary donations your organization has received. The total list of transactions can be exported to a CSV via a custom export tool.
Clicking on the Analytics menu item, you have two options. Organization Analytics is the first option. Visit this Dashboard to see an overview of the following features:
- Organization Impact: includes the number of activated volunteers (this % is based on the size of your Org in your Org Settings - adjust this number in your Org Settings to see this % change in your Analytics).
- Total Volunteers: number of volunteers with active profiles in your account.
- Invitations Sent: number of volunteers you have invited to join your account.
- Gender and Age analytic charts.
- Opportunities Map: shows where all of your Opportunities have taken place.
The second option in the Analytics section is your list of Volunteer Resumes.
- This page shows a list of all Volunteers in your Organization, along with some of their overall statistics. You can sort this table based on the different columns or search this table to find a specific volunteer.
- The Export button on the top right corner of the screen is a great tool for getting your Volunteer data out all at once!
- Export All User Information: This CSV file includes a list of your Volunteers, their biographic data, information about what orgs/groups they are in, any notes about the volunteer, the total number of Opportunities completed, hours volunteered, certifications, and their overall Economic Impact.
- Export Participation Data: Clicking this link will open up a modal for you to pick a specific date range that you want to export all Volunteer participation data so that you can see the impact over a custom date range. The columns in this CSV include the date of participation, Opportunity name, role name, number of guests, number of hours volunteered, and any notes associated with their participation.
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