You are able to create a custom Registration Form or Waiver for volunteers to complete when they join your VOMO account! Let's walk through that process.
Unnecessary Fields
Create a Registration Form
Fields List
Unnecessary Fields
Let's first clarify what fields are not necessary to add to your Registration Form. While you have complete control over what fields to add to your forms, there are a few that you don't need because the volunteer will have already given you the information when creating their VOMO user profile. The fields listed below will have already been asked of the volunteer:
First and Last Name*
Birth Month/Year*
Address* (including Suite or Apt. number)
Gender (options: Female, Male, Other, Prefer not to say)
This information is required for ALL users creating profiles in VOMO. This information is stored in their profile that you will have access. Therefore, there is NO NEED to duplicate the above fields in your Registration Form.
Create a Registration Form
- Navigate to your Admin Dashboard and click Forms in the left navigation menu.
- Click the + New Form button in the top right corner and then name your new Registration Form.
- Select Registration as the Form Type.
*Registration Forms are for volunteers to fill out when they join as a new member or when you edit and update your Registration Form with new fields. Organizations are only allowed to have one (1) "registration" type form. All other forms will be for Opportunities, Check-In, or Gifts. - Click "Add Field" at the bottom create and add new fields for your Form.
Some of the different types of fields include:
- Short Text: Small amount of space for the volunteer to provide a short one-sentence response to a question or information you require from them.
- Long Text: Large amount of space for the volunteer to provide a paragraph-sized response to a question or information you require from them.
- Dropdown: Provide volunteers with options where they can choose one of the options in the list.
- Multiple Select: Provide volunteers with options where they can choose multiple options from the list.
- Waiver / Agreement: A downloadable document (.PDF, .DOC, .RTF, .JPG, or .PNG file types) that volunteers are required to "agree" to. *This is a "checkbox consent" and NOT an "e-signature." Make sure your document is worded appropriately for this type of waiver/agreement.
- Group Selector: Populates a dropdown list of your current Groups for volunteers to choose which groups they want to become a member of.
- Document Upload: Allows the volunteer to upload a document (.PDF, .DOC, .RTF, .JPG, or .PNG under 3mb).
5. Add additional fields and then click the "Create Form" button in the top right corner of the page.
*All of the fields you create on a form are added to your "Fields" list one the left side of the Admin Dashboard. These fields can be added to any new form you create.
Fields List
After any form you create, the fields you generated for those forms will appear in the Fields list. Remember that these fields can be added to any of your forms, regardless of the type.
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