It's easy to communicate with volunteers and the public by posting announcement popups on the Hub! Let's walk through the process.
First Steps
Announcements is a VOMO Tool that gives Admins the ability to post important information in a bar across the top of the Hub. Before creating an Announcement, locate the Tools section of your Admin Dashboard.
Admin Dashboard > Tools > Announcements
Adjust the Settings
Announcements has four different Settings that can be adjusted:
- Announcement Bar Background Color: Adjust the background color of the bar. The text of the Announcement will be on top of this background color.
- Announcement Bar Text Color: Adjust the color of the text that rests on top of the Announcement bar.
- Display Announcement on the Hub: Turn the Announcement bar 'On' and 'Off' without having to delete any Announcements. Simply select the Off radio button and then Save Announcement Settings button.
- Autoplay: With multiple Announcements, this setting allows you to activate an Autoplay feature that when turned on you can also adjust how long the Announcement is displayed and the speed of the transition from one to the next.
Don't for get to click the Save Announcement Settings button in the bottom right corner to save the options you selected for your Announcements.
Create an Announcement
- Start by selecting the +Add A New Announcement button to open the New Announcement modal.
2. Fill in the necessary data on the New Announcement modal:
3. Remember, a New Announcement cannot be added without an end date. Make sure to fill in a date on the Stop Displaying on* field so that it automatically ends at the date you choose. This will help keep your Announcement bar updated on your Hub with current and helpful information for your volunteer community.
4. After creating a new Announcement, a preview of all the Announcements will be at the top of the page so you can check out what it will look like on your Hub page.
Final Steps
Before viewing your Hub to see the new Announcements you created, consider the following steps:
- Reorder the Announcements by grabbing the icon with your cursor on the left side of each Announcement bar in the list and dragging it up or down to place the Announcements in a new order. Make sure to select the Save Order button in the top right corner of the list to save your changes.
2. Lastly, if you need to view the details about an Announcement, make sure to click the drop down arrow on the left side of each bar to reveal those details.
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