Opportunities have different types of registration buttons depending on the Opportunity Owner's needs. Learn what the different types of buttons are and what they do.
An Opportunity's registration button might say one of the following:
Join a Date/Time Opportunity
Join an AnytimeOpportunity
Contribute on a Date/Time Opportunity
Contribute on an Anytime Opportunity
+Add Hours/Items
When it says "Join"
Joining an Opportunity means you are committing to a specific Role giving of your time. This is the most common type of volunteer opportunity in VOMO. This type of Opportunity does not have any approval restrictions (i.e. "organizer approval" or "background check required"). Simply click "Join" next to the time slot(s) that you wish to register for.
Joining a Date/Time Opportunity
Joining a date/time Opportunities is for volunteers signing up for a specific time slot on a specific date with a Role associated with that time slot.
Joining an Anytime Opportunity
Joining an Anytime Opportunity means that the volunteer is not signing up for a specific time slot. Instead, they are going to "Express Interest" in joining a role or contributing an item. After the Opportunity Owner approves the volunteer's expressed interest, they will be able to come back and log the hours served or items contributed.
When it says "Contribute"
The "contribute" moniker will show up when the Opportunity is asking the volunteer to donate Items instead of volunteering in a Role. In some cases both a Role and Item might be available.
Contributing Items in a Date/Time Opportunity
When contributing items in a Date/Time Opportunity, they will be within the serving dates at the bottom of the Opportunity page. Remember, all Date/Time Opportunity require committing to a serving date no matter if it's a Role or Item.
When it says "Join/Contribute"
A Opportunity will say Join/Contribute on an Anytime Opportunity that has options for Volunteers to express interest in logging hours for a Role and/or dropping Items they want to donate.
When it says "Apply"
The Volunteer will need to Apply for Opportunities that have dates, times and roles that have activated the approval settings by the Owner (i.e. "participant approval" or "background check required"). Because a Volunteer needs approval from the Organizer in order to serve in that serving date, their registration will remain Pending until it is approved or denied.
When it says "+ Add Hours/Items"
After a volunteer has already joined an Anytime Opportunity role or item, coming back to that Opportunity will display a new option to log the hours served or the items contributed. For the role, the volunteer will select the date and number of hours served. For the item, the volunteer will select the item and the quantity of that item contributed.
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